Sunday, September 29, 2013

Nishikasai - week8

choon - Long sound:
obasan - aunt
obaasan - grandma


yuuki-Brave/Having strong will power

yuki ga futte kitta - Snow is falling down
yuuki o mochinasai - have braveness - be string mentally

nominasai - have a drink(impolite way)
nomimasu - polie way of telling to drink
ikinsai - go(impolie way)
ikimasu - go (polite way)

nasai - added to command someone who elder than you.

koko - here
kookoo- Senior high school

heya- room
heiya - Graounf/field/ very big area/region

Kanda heiya - Kanda region

waseda kookoo - waseda senior hig school

toru - take
tooru - go through..

tori - street/ stree in the city
michi - road/highway

Ginza dori - ginza street
kanda dori - kanda street

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    I couldnt find the location of this learning place.
    Could you please help out with the exact location.
