Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Extended Use of the Verb "Suru"

The verb "suru (to do)" has many extended uses, which occur quite often. Click here to learnhow to conjugate the verb "suru".

(1) To make
(a) Adverb form of I-adjective + suru
To change the I-adjective to the adverb form, replace the final ~i with ~ku. (e.g. ookii ---> ookiku)
  • Terebi no oto o ookiku shita. テレビの音を大きくした。--- I turned up the volume of the TV.
  • Tsugi no tesuto wa mou sukoshi muzukashiku suru tsumori da. 次のテストはもう少し難しくするつもりだ。--- I am going to make the next exam a little more difficult.
(b) Adverb form of Na-adjective + suru
To change the Na-adjective to the adverb form, replace the final ~na with ~ni. (e.g. kireina ---> kireini)
  • Heya o kireini suru. 部屋をきれいにする。--- I'm cleaning the room.
  • Kana wa darenidemo shinsetsu ni suru. 香奈は誰にでも親切にする。 --- Kana is kind to everybody.
(2) To decide
"Suru" should be used when you are choosing from several available alternatives. Click hereto learn more expressions when ordering at a restaurant.
  • Koohii ni shimasu. コーヒーにします。--- I'll have coffee.
  • Kono tokei ni shimasu. この時計にします。--- I'll take this watch.
  • Pikunikku wa raishuu ni shimashou. ピクニックは来週にしましょう。--- Let’s agree that the picnic will be next week.
(3) The cost, Duration of time
When accompanied by phrases indicating price, it means "cost." When used with a verb that indicates duration of time, it means, "lapse".
  • Kono kaban wa gosen en shimashita. このかばんは五千円しました。--- This bag cost 5,000 yen.
  • Sono tokei wa dono gurai shimashita ka. その時計はどのぐらいしましたか。--- About how much did that watch cost?
  • Ato ichinen shitara Nihon ni ikimasu. 後一年したら日本に行きます。 --- I am going to Japan in another year.
When "suru" is used to mean duration of time, it is only be used in a subordinate clause. In a main clause, the verb "tatsu" is used instead.
  • Gonen tachimashita. 五年たちました。--- Five years passed.
(4) To feel, to smell, or to hear
When "suru" is combined with phrases associated with appearance, it means, "to appear".
  • Kono hana wa ii nioi ga suru. この花はいい匂いがする。--- This flower smells good.
  • Nami no oto ga suru. 波の音がする。--- I hear the sound of the waves.
  • Kore wa henna aji ga shimasu. これは変な味がします。--- This tastes funny.
  • Samuke ga shimasu. 寒気がします。--- I feel a chill.
(5) To appear
When "suru" is combined with phrases associated with appearance, it means, "to appear".
  • Kanojo wa samishisouna me o shite ita. 彼女はさみしそうな目をしていた。--- She had sad eyes. (Her eyes looked sad.)
  • Kare wa aoi kao o shite iru. 彼は青い顔をしている。--- His face looks pale.
(6) Loan word + suru
Loan words are often combined with "suru" to change the word into a verb. Most loan words are taken from English verbs. Here are some examples.
doraibu suru ドライブする --- to drive
taipu suru タイプする --- to type
kisu suru キスする --- to kiss
nokku suru ノックする --- to knock
pasu suru パスする --- to pass
hitto suru ヒットする --- to hit
(7) Noun (of Chinese origin) + suru
"Suru" is combined with nouns of Chinese origin to change them into a verb.
benkyou suru 勉強する --- to study
sentaku suru 洗濯する --- to do the washing
ryokou suru 旅行する --- to travel
shitsumon suru 質問する --- to ask questions
denwa suru 電話する --- to telephone
yakusoku suru 約束する --- to promise
sanpo suru 散歩する --- to take a walk
yoyaku suru 予約する --- to reserve
shokuji suru 食事する --- to have a meal
souji suru 掃除する --- to clean
kekkon suru 結婚する --- to get married
kaimono suru 買い物する --- to shop
setsumei suru 説明する --- to explain
junbi suru 準備する --- to prepare
The particle "o" can be used as an object particle after a noun. (e.g. "benkyou o suru," "denwa o suru") There is no difference in meaning with or without "o."
(8) Adverb or Onomatopoetic expressions + suru
Adverbs or onomatopoeic expressions can be combined with "suru" to change them into verbs.
yukkuri suru ゆっくりする --- to stay long
katto suru かっとする --- to flare up
zotto suru ぞっとする --- to shiver
bonyari suru ぼんやりする --- to be absent minded
niko niko suru ニコニコする --- to smile
waku waku suru  ワクワクする --- to be excited

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