Tuesday, September 3, 2013

How to use 'de' and 'e'

This lesson builds on what we've learned about the particle de. de is a particle that can be used as "by means of", "at" or "in" depending on the situation. 
we used it like this: 
 Basu de kouen e ikimasu. I'll go to the park by bus. Now we will study the 'at' function.

De can be used to show where an action takes place. For example, if you wanted to say 'I study in my room.' you would use de to show that you do the action of studying in your room.

kouen de in/at the park.
puuru de in/at the pool
toshokan dein/at the library
uchi deat home
eigakan dein/at the movie theater
From there you should be able to make whole sentences indicating where you do things.

Kouen de tenisu o shimasu. I play tennis at the park.
Watashi no heya de benkyou shimasu. I study in my room.
Toshokan de hon o yomimasu.I read books at the library.
Watashi no uchi de shukudai o shimashou.Let's do homework at my house.
Eigakan de eiga o mimasu.I watch movies at the movie theater.
Careful!  Don't use de with arimasu or imasuThis case always uses ni.
Kaigi wa toshokan ni arimasu. The meeting is at the library.
Neko wa watashi no heya ni imasu.The cat is in my room.

   De is a Japanese particle that has several different functions. One use is it indicates the place where an action takes place (in, at, is where)

   (I) am eating at McDonalds = makku de tabete iru

   Read in school = gakkou de yomimasu (学校で読みます)

   This particle is also used in indicating a method (by, through, by the means of, with)

   (I) went by plane = hikouki de ikimashita (飛行機で行きました)

   (Speak) in Japanese = nihongo de (日本語で)

   (He) came by train = densha de kita (電車で来た)

   Write in hiragana = hiragana de kaite (ひらがなで書いて)
   This particle has other uses too.

e (へ)
The Japanese particle e (へ) is used to show direction. E can only be used with verbs that have physical direction or a destination. It's always written using the hiragana character HE (へ), but it is pronounced E (え)

   Ni is also used to show direction except it shows to a final destination. The particle egives more of a sense that one is setting out towards a direction. It shows a general direction as to where someone is headed.

He went towards Bookstore = kare wa honya e itta

   (She) wants to go outside = soto e ikitai (外へ行きたい)

   Tomorrow, (I will) go to park = ashita, kouen e iku

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